American Working Farmcollie Association


Copy and fill out this application.  Mail or email with appropriate fee to:

*** Mailing Address coming soon ***

Please submit applications and/or questions to:

AWFA Registration Application

Section A: Breeder/Owner Identification

Breeder Name:__________________________________________

Owner Name:___________________________________________

Street/PO Box:__________________________________________



Office Use Only







Section B: Dog Identification
Name:_______________________________________________________________(26 char max)

Date of Birth:________________________________________________________________

Litter Reg. No._______________________________________________________________

Puppy name:_________________________________________________________________

AWFA number:_______________________________________________________________

Other registries:—Include the dog’s registered name, initials of the registry, and registration numbers:

1. _________________________________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________________________________

3. _________________________________________________________________________

4. _________________________________________________________________________


Coat type:___________________________________(rough or smooth, wavy, curly, straight, etc)

Mature weight (specify age):______________________________________________________

Pedigree (include pedigrees if possible):


Registration Numbers:___________________________________________________________

Comments about sire (use all the space necessary):


Registration Numbers:___________________________________________________________

Comments about dam (use all the space necessary):

Section C: Working Classification

1. Herding Behavior

a. Herding drive (check all that apply)
___ Dog herds, but only works the livestock when needed.
___ Dog has such intense herding instinct he must be supervised or confined when not needed to work.
___ Dog varies intensity of herding to suit type of livestock and situation.

b. Herding Style

Does the dog herd in a crouching position? Under what circumstances?

Does the dog use “eye” to control livestock? Explain.

Does the dog use dominance behaviors to control livestock? (check all that apply)

___Quiet growling
___Dominant Stare with upright posture

How does the dog naturally approach the livestock in a herding situation?

___Stays back from the herd as not to apply pressure
___Stays back but the stock take notice
___Walks/runs right up to them and makes them move

Dog barks when herding (always, often, seldom, never).

Dog returns escapees to the proper pens/pastures. (always, often, seldom, never)

Dog alerts to escapees. (always, often, seldom, never)

(Check all that apply)

___ Dog usually grips the livestock on the (circle all that apply) heel, hock, neck, tail, nose, when herding.
___ Dog often grips the livestock on the (circle all that apply) heel, hock, neck, tail, nose, when herding.
___ Dog sometimes grips the livestock on the (circle all that apply) heel, hock, neck, tail, nose, when herding.
___ Dog never grips the livestock when herding.

Under what circumstances does the dog grip?

Does the dog vary the intensity of the grip? Under what circumstances?

Dog has worked these kinds of livestock (elaborate- tell which he works best and why)

(Check one)

___Dog prefers to work the gather—attempt to head off/circle stock back to the handler
___Dog prefers to drive stock away from the handler
___Dog has no preference

(Check one)

___Livestock are intensely aware of and respect the dog
___Livestock generally respect the dog
___Dog lacks power to move challenging or stubborn stock

(Check one)

___Dog will not quit on the job
___Dog is distractable while herding
___Dog may quit in the middle of a job

2. Guarding

a. Livestock Guardian Ability (check all that apply)

___Dog will sniff, lick, nuzzle, or try to nurse baby livestock
___Dog’s presence is accepted by mothers around their young
___Dog rarely interacts with baby livestock
___Dog will treat baby livestock with care when herding
___Dog has not been exposed to baby livestock
___Dog does not show aggression toward livestock unless necessary
___Dog knows the difference between his own livestock and strange animals
___Dog will guard any livestock of a familiar species
___Dog shows gentle protective behavior toward children
___Dog defends livestock when threatened (Under what circumstances?)

Which statement best describes your dog?

___ Dog is oriented primarily toward humans.
___ Dog is oriented primarily toward livestock.

Explain why:

b. Human Protection (check all that apply)

___Dog will stay with children during their play
___Dog has shown willingness to defend children with the stock
___Dog has shown willingness to protect children from human intruders
___Dog will keep ill-tempered stock away from masters during feeding, doctoring, or other work
___Dog is watchful of his master’s back


c. Territorial Guarding (check all that apply)

___ Dog observes the presence of predatory birds and chases them away.
___ Dog knows the limits of his territory and stays there.
___ Dog resents the intrusion of strange dogs into his territory.
___ Dog regularly patrols his territory, especially at night.
___ Dog announces the arrival of strangers.
___ Dog doesn’t show aggression toward human strangers unless they pose a threat.
___ Dog will attempt to kill snakes in his territory that he feels are a threat.

Do you have a story about this?

d. Bossiness Rules and Routine (check all that apply)

___Dog demands that the stock obey his master’s commands.
___Dog breaks up fights between stock.
___Dog is highly concerned with routine.
___Dog is unconcerned about changes in habit.
___Dog is upset when stock is moved to a new pen.
___Dog tattles on offenders who break the rules.
___Dog disciplines rule breakers.
___Dog will make other dogs obey when master gives a command.
___Dog is quick to learn immediate commands.
___Dog ignores immediate commands.
___Dog resents immediate commands.

Do you have any good stories about this?

3. Hunting Behavior

a. Treeing
___ Dog barks when he has treed prey and remains there for a period of time, barking periodically until someone goes to him.
___ Dog stands on the side of the tree periodically while barking.
___ Dog is not easily distracted from the treed prey unless something more important demands his attention.
___ Dog has cornered prey and stood barking for help for a period of time.

Do you have a story about this?

b. Pest control
___ Dog routinely hunts rodents and other pests and eliminates them.
___ Dog will hunt pests and kill them even when not hungry.
___ Dog will attempt to chase pests away rather than kill them.
___ Dog is a very willing fighter even when faced with larger than normal or vicious prey.
___ Dog avoids physical confrontation with large prey and attempts to chase or intimidate them instead.
___ Dog utilizes tracking skills to find rodents and other pests such as raccoons.
___ Dog hunts primarily by sight.



___Dog will use tracking skills to find prey
___Dog uses scenting skills to assess the security of the territory
___Dog uses tracking skills to problem solve
___Dog uses tracking skills to help master find game

4. Character

Activity Level (check the most appropriate)

___ Dog is very active/energetic. Always on the go.
___ Dog is moderately active–lots of energy when needed, but content to lie around otherwise.
___ Dog has a low activity level–spends most of his time lying around observing.


b.Dominant/Submissive (pick the best answer)

___ Dog is strong-willed and hard to train.
___ Dog is hard to train, but exceptionally reliable with the rules
___ Dog is opinionated but trainable
___Dog listens to direction but is not easily discouraged
___ Dog is easily discouraged by correction


c. Passive/Aggressive

___ Dog generally gets along with other dogs.
___ Dog is very tolerant of humans especially young ones.
___ Dog does not cooperate well with other dogs and works better on his own.
___ Dog is strongly bonded to one person or a very few and avoids other humans.
___ Dog is aggressive toward all strangers.(Elaborate)
___ Dog does not show aggression toward strangers. (Elaborate)


Has this dog ever bitten anyone? if so what was the age of the dog and the circumstances?

All photos and information submitted become the property of the American Working Farmcollie Association.

Information from the AWFA website may not be used without permission from the Board of Directors, by anyone other than the owner of the dog in question.