Dana is a moderately-active dog who likes to enforce the rules for her owners. While she’s opinionated about how things should be, she listens well to correction. She has experience herding horses, sheep and chickens using shouldering, soft-mouthed nipping and the occasional bark to get her point across. She will return animals to their pens…
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Bear has strong protective instincts for his family and territory. He patrols the homestead and announces the arrival of strangers. He is gentle and protective of children and baby livestock, and is watchful of his master’s back. His herding experience is limited, but he has shown marked aptitude when given the chance. He hunts and trees…
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Rhona herds livestock when needed and varies her intensity according to the need. She is moderately active, keeping an eye on the farm from a position where she has good visibility. She will alert to escapees and return them to their proper pastures. She is a barking herder who goes right up to stock and…
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Jewel has worked dairy goats peacocks ducks chickens and turkeys! She is best with goats – can sometimes be a little intense with the poultry. Although Jewel will crouch when she is told “round them up”! She uses a dominant stare and upright posture when herding. She always barks when herding and always returns escapees…
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Flora works cattle in a dairy setting and chickens. Flora is very biddable and easy to call off when herding. She never grips the livestock. She uses some shouldering and a dominant stare. Flora only works when needed and uses dominance behaviors to control the livestock. Flora is gentle and protective with babies – whether…
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Bronson has worked goats and poultry. He only works when needed and varies the intensity to suit the situation. He never grips the poultry, but will sometimes grip the goats if they need it. Bronson bonds strongly to his own livestock and vigorously protects them from marauding coyotes. He is very in-tune to the routines…
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MacDuff has worked horses, chickens and ducks. A dog that loves to keep order on the farm, MacDuff always returns escapees to their proper pen. He keeps raccoons, foxes, and possums away from the poultry, and alerts to squabbles etc that occur amongst the livestock. A classic treeing dog that stands on the tree, MacDuff…
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Gypsy has worked dexter cattle, goats, chickens, ducks. She absolutely loves moving cattle, the goats and poultry don’t need much moving but she does push them back where she thinks they should be. Gypsy excels at herding our Dexter cattle, it comes very natural to her. She drives and circles the herd where they need…
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Missy bonds to the animals that she knows are pack, adopting a kitten and puppy and raising them as her own. She accompanies the cattle into the milking parlor where she is very gentle and nurturing with the calves. She plays with the cattle. Missy works independently to enforce her own rules of territory. She…
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Lassie knows her job and gets right to it. She mostly ignores the poultry but works the goats effortlessly. She will grip on the heel or hock, if she sees another dog do it, but mostly she uses her body positioning in a very upright manner to control the goats. She has no preference in…
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