Emma is a bossy dog who likes for everything to be in its place. She is most concerned with protecting the chickens from strange birds. If the occasion calls for it, she grips on the heel or hock, and likes to gather. She has worked goats poultry and the neighbor’s cattle. She varies the intensity…
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Ranger is a bossy dog who likes to be in charge and make the other animals mind his owners rules and commands. He has worked goats and poultry. Ranger is very reliable in returning escapees to their proper pens. If the occasion calls for it, he grips on the heel or hock, and likes to…
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Princess has worked chickens and goats. she seldom grips but if the chickens won’t go where she wants them she will gently pick them up and put them there. Princess is a wonderful watch dog and will guard the house and patrol the property all night. She is friendly, but wary of strangers.
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Abby is a kind and loyal farm partner. She herds goats, alpacas and chickens. A loving family member, she is welcoming to strangers when they come to visit, but very alert to predators that threaten the livestock. She is very biddable and takes corrections without being discouraged.
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Diego works as goat herder and farm protector. He is an invaluable farm tool and family friend who sees his livestock as an extension of his human family whom he adores. He demands that the stock obeys his master’s commands. He works in an upright manner unless he needs to assert himself. He will crouch…
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Trooper’s farm includes goats, hogs, cattle, and chickens. He is a herding ace, but will not harass the stock when off-duty. He sometimes nips cattle on the heel, hock or nose and he varies his intensity to fit the stock that he is working. Trooper uses “eye” to control livestock and uses dominance behaviors to…
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Sandy works on a cow, goat, and poultry farm. She herds when needed and is content to hang out around the farm until duty calls. She is great at trailering cattle and will sometimes grip on the heel, neck, or nose to accomplish the task. She will round up strays when needed. She can be…
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Bred by Tish Toren Pedigree
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Gabby is a great all-around farm dog. He helps his master with herding as the need arises, generally moving goats from one place to another. He will also put them back where they belong. His expertise is reading his master and helping however he can. He easily falls into the role of Beta pack member. …
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