Maeve has worked ducks turkeys goats sheep and cattle. Sheep are a breeze for her-they move wherever she wants them to go before she even gets near them. Goats are difficult to herd but Maeve can get them to go where she wants and do what she wants. Cattle are not worked as frequently but…
Breed: English Shepherd
Cimarron Ben York 126 PRGN
by ML Church •
Finger Lakes Danny Boy 124 PRGN
by ML Church •
Cedar Creek Maggie Mae 123 PRGN
by ML Church •
Toby of Seldom Rest Farm 122 PRGN
by ML Church •
Toby only works when needed and is content to lie around as long as all is in order. He is very careful of the babies and treats them with care even when herding. Preferring to drive stock away rather than to gather, Toby seldom barks when herding and often grips the livestock on the hock.…
Moon Valley Wildwood Flower 121 PRGN
by ML Church •
Luna has only had the opportunity to work chickens. She will sniff and lick baby chickens and treat them with special care when moving them. Luna uses tracking skills to hunt vermin, but she is more interested in driving them away than in killing them. She protects the chickens from predators, neighboring cats and predatory…
Knicknack Paddy Whack 120 PRGN
by ML Church •
Arkwright-T Nanny McPhee 119 PRGN
by ML Church •
Nanny has worked sheep at a herding clinic and has cattle and poultry at home. She will work to assist her masters whether at home with her own livestock or elsewhere with strange livestock, and will herd independently at home when she sees the need to return escapees to their pen, etc. She wanders through…